
Friday, November 2, 2012

Weekly Challenge 93 - Bunzo!

Weird few days really.  Went out with a couple of friends and Matt yesterday, got horribly drunk and probably made a right ass of myself... Never mind these things happen.  I was feeling a bit celabratory however as I had just gotten a job .. as a restaurant manager at a low key (hopefully low stress) cafe / restaurant in the valley. It came from a job that I applied for about three weeks ago, had a 2.5 hour interveiw for and never heard anything more about.  I'm pleased to say that it will be part time so will not interfere with my art and will give me much needed funds for pouring into afore-mentioned art work..YAY.

My first ever article got published this week as well, all about the joy of scribble drawing.  Its kind of like tangling but in a large scale and less formal.  I find tangling quite formal in the way that the drawings come about.
The article is at all things healing and if you would like to read about it then you can find it here:

Also I got my stall approved for The Sacred Tree Market.. am so excited its just unbelievable!!  I have so much to do!!  I am really looking forward to it.  I will be selling cushions made from my hand painted fabrics, the fabrics themselves, tangles on canvas, prints of my art work and anything else I can think up!!

Anyway here is my tangle for the challenge and another one I cooked up yesterday before I got involved in a wine bender :-P


  1. Love your Bunzo's happily contained in a frame, just waiting for an excuse to escape. Bunzo's just keep on growing.... Your inch worms are fantastic!!! Could that be a new tangle?

    1. Hi Chrissie.. I could post an Inch worm how to if you like. Its pretty straight forward really.. glad you like it :-)

  2. You have a lot going on! I hope the new job works out for you and I really enjoyed the scribble article. Your bunzo is beautiful in it's fancy frame.

  3. I too love your beautiful bunzo, and the lovely frame. Nice Job!

  4. I like your Bunzo, beeing so bold next to the delicate other tangles! The next zia is great fun!
